Friday, March 22, 2013

No one is Immune.

No one is immune.
Now Let me say that with a gentle heart,

No one is immune to the trails and tribulations of life.

I was poked, inspected, examined from my head to my lungs.
I felt like a pin cushion. One IV on my right to push the Morphine and one on the left to get blood cultures.
Well I did have right side pain but Morphine was never discussed, by the time I knew it my chest felt heavy and my stomach turned.

No vomiting but a sense of relief that I was getting somewhere with this sickness. The cough just wouldn't go away. Day after day, until I couldn't breathe.

Take me to the emergency room I sternly told David, I'm sick, I think I have pneumonia and also, I can't breathe, my right side hurts."

Yes, he responded and off we went.
It was funny listening to the nurse and my husband converse about my symptoms and personal information as to how much I weigh, what was my social security, etc.
Uh , my husband says, not wanting to offend me if he said 130 or 140, not wanting to give me an extra 10-20 pounds. (these weights are fine for some, I'm short so 125 works fine for me).
Nope, he didn't know
Social Security? No, I used hand gestures to relay because I couldn't talk.
Ask me if I know his. And the answer would be yes! Weight? Yes. Height? Yes. Medications he takes? Yes. Every doctor, appointment or lab test he's had? Yes. I know everything about his diagnosis.

And it's okay. I wasn't mad or anything. Just funny.

So as I lay there on the stretcher, I prayed. I praised God for the doctor, the nurse and my husband. Then I began to think of my calling as a Nurse. I was proud at that moment. I was at that moment happy to have been called to become a nurse.
In those moments where you feel crummy, tired and the weight of the world on you, you are reminded that these people are here to take care of you. I needed them . I wanted them to make me feel better.
Fix me. Heal me. Jesus I would cry out throughout the day, Lord, just heal me, please!

Immune to sickness? Nope. Immune to hardships? Nope.
No matter how healthy I eat or how many miles I run, or how many times I pray, I am not immune.
Viruses exists and they want to invade anything and everything they can. Bacteria lingers around waiting for you to snatch it up. All these and those super bugs that are out there are ready to steal your joy, make you want to curl up and die.

But there is a Healer and His name is Jesus.
Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. The sweetest name I know. So during these times, when we are tested, crushed and bruised we cry out,

Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Sweetest name I have ever known.

(as of 6pm today, I have slept. Writing helps me get me mind off being sick. So with a breathing mask on and a pen in my hand, a journaling I will go . Please continue to pray for healing)

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