Friday, August 31, 2012

No, You don't say, all He wants is Me?

Jesus with Staff
Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken. 
Psalm 62: 1&2 NIV
  • My refuge in times of confusion.
  • My fortress when I need a shoulder to cry on.
  • My rest when I'm tired from the worries of the world.
This week I've been trying to think about a good blog. One that was either going to talk about Gluten-free cooking or my Homeschooling day.  But, after much thought, the Lord had something better to share with you.  Something that took a revelation to reveal.  And today, after receiving my prayer shawl from my mother-in law.  I've wanted one for years.  I sat in my room, closed the door and prayed.

I'm learning to set aside time each day to  pray. 
When I became a christian there were days when all I would do was pray.  I would go into a quiet room, close the door and pray. Sometimes for hours.  My mother who just recently became a believer called me the other day saying, "Jen, I just started praying and praying and I couldn't stop, I think I prayed for an hour or more."  Remember, God's time is different.  There are times when I have prayed very much and it seemed like hours, but was truly minutes.  Our soul longs to be connected with the Lord.  

So, back to my revelation.  Do you remember how I set out to run 15 or 18 miles for my Birthday?  I wanted to run 20 miles actually but opted for 15 because you know, it's Texas and I would have ended up with a heat stroke.  Yikes!!! So, I decided to do 15 on the day of my birthday. Those plans quickly changed when I woke up at 9 or 10am (I don't remember) and it was probably already 100 degrees outside.  I decided to enjoy my day.  The next day I set out to run.  It was hard at first.  I got up super early. Packed a cooler with a recovery drink, electrolyte water and a banana.  My fuel belt was packed with electrolyte water and gel.  My mind was set. My heart wasn't.  

You see, My Heart was set on the desires of man.  To accomplish. To be better.  To feel better that I turned 33.  Yes, I did have good intentions.  I always pray during my runs. I prayed for my family and friends. But, my intention was to run and accomplish my goal of 15 miles.  14.86 miles completed and I felt like I always do after running, "Okay."  Before my run the Lord spoke to me, he said, "Now Jennifer, you don't have to run 15 miles to show your love for me."  After my run, he said, "Jennifer, I don't require sacrifice."  "I don't require that of you."  Okay, I thought, I didn't have to run but I wanted to.  
So what would happen if God judged me according to how many miles I ran?  What if all I could run that day was 3 miles? Would he be happy?  Would he require that I run 15 miles everyday to be his follower?  What about my Daily Mile?  It keeps track of how many runs I accomplish but does God care?  
The simple answer is Yes, No and No.  You see God doesn't care if I run 2, 3 or 10 miles.  He doesn't care about all the bad things I did or continue to do. In fact, our sins are erased when we come to a full knowledge of our mistakes, confess and ask God for forgiveness.  It requires asking.  Just that. So simple.  
  • God wants me, the way I am.  The way I look. Flaws and all.  He just wants me.
  • God doesn't require sacrifice. Again, Jesus died for us. He did not spare him but gave him over to death.  
  • God wants me, just me.  Did I say that again?  Yes, Just Me.  
I think sometimes it's hard to comprehend that God just wants us. He doesn't care where we live, what we live in, what kind of car we drive, the food we eat or how many miles  we can run.  All he wants is us.  How could a God so great just want us?  My friend, its so simple .  My revelation was that God just wants me, "Jennifer", faults and all.  

If God wanted me to run 15 miles everyday, I'm telling you, I would have given up on his standards a long time ago.  I don't think I would still be a follower because I do slack some days, as you all know, running is hard. Okay, I said it. It's hard.  And God doesn't require that of me, or anyone.  He just want's me to come to him and seek rest.  Because, 

God is GREAT!
God is LOVE!

Give him a try, he doesn't bite and He loves to give you words of encouragement everyday.  

(BTW:  I do hold dearly to Philippians 4:13. I run not to compete with the world with races and such.  I run to keep my faith strong in the Lord.  I run to think. I run to hurt. I run to heal.  Just as running is hard and demanding on the body, so is this world and I find peace in knowing that my suffering is producing in me my true faith where I can stand in the day of trails and tribulations.  My journey with running started due to my husbands illness many years ago. Running is where I truly found peace away from the world. (I have a blog listed here, I think it's the first one I've written). 

So, in essence, running is peace for me. But, I do need to slow down and that is where God shows me that all he needs is Me. Just me to come to him and quietly shut the door to pray.
I pray you do the same. )

Until next time, 
Eat Organic!
Eat Gluten-Free!


Monday, August 27, 2012

B-Day Run

D.J's motivational drawing on the cooler I recieved
Mama, Wake up, Mama, wake up, you gotta get up for your run!

I'm sleeping I responded. Let me sleep. 

Sleep I did. Till 9am.  My run was scheduled for 6am.

Poor D.J.  His first day of school is today and he encouraged me to run 18, not 15.

15 is what I decided I would do. Last year for the first time, I ran 10 miles.  This was after finding out that the Mighty Fine Hamburger I ate was way beyond my calorie consumption and it would take 10 miles to get rid of. Thanks to my friend Marlene, who is a long distance runner, she pointed this out.  So, the next day I set out, ran 10 miles straight.  After that day I was hooked on long distance running.

Due to my time restraints, I can't run long distance more than once a week.  Sundays are considered my long distance run days because I can run for 2 hours without having to be at home in a hurry for lessons for the kids.
Today was going to be a 15, maybe an 18 mile run.  I was ready. Mentally prepared.

 Below are some of the reasons why I wanted to run a 15 or 18 mile run on my B-Day

  • To Give God Thanks for My Life
  • To Challenge Myself
  • To be reminded that in Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me."
  • To be able to eat all the B-Day cake I can without worrying about the calories (Nah, not really!!!)
  • To Feel Alive!!!!!
Everything I have in my life is from the Father Above. Everything.  
David joked with me the other day, he stated that he was stressed about my B-Day because I have everything.  Socks I have. Garmin, just acquired.  New running shoes, I have 2 (Mizunos sent me an extra pair).  Running belt, check.  Purses, I have.  Clothes, I'm set (I make my own skirts and shop only every 2 years for pants and shirts).  Shoes, Just got a free pair of Toms a couple of weeks ago.  

I found this waiting for me.

Contents inside:  Card, Body Glide,
Running Gels and Off Spray 

You see, I have EVERYTHING!!!!!!  But there is one thing I do have that I hold more precious than all my material things and that my friend is JESUS.  

It says in the book of Matthew that we shouldn't worry about these material things.  It says that we shouldn't even worry about what we eat or drink or what we should wear. That Solomon in all his glory wasn't dressed as beautiful as the lilies of the fields.  God gives me everything I need.

So, as I celebrate my B-Day today, I give God thanks for my life. Tomorrow I will run, I will run like the wind.  I will run like Forest did in the Forest Gump movie (we saw the movie last night)
I will enjoy my day. 
I also want to say that my husband is Awesome.  He got the lead singer from Mewithoutyou to send me a B-Day greeting. It's posted on my Facebook page.

I love you David!
I love you D.J!
I love you Zachary!
I love you Emily!
I love you Nibbler!

And most importantly, I love You Mom, thank you for giving me Life!

Running Gear
Don't worry, I'll be using you tomorrow.  
Below are some pictures of the drawings each of the kids drew on my Cooler.  

Contents inside the Cooler

David's (of course)
Until Next Time,
Eat Gluten Free (I won't today)
Eat Organic (I hope today I will be)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Today is what day of the week?

It's Thursday. Isn't it? Oh, my!!! How the days fly by.  It feels like a Monday.  At least that's what the kids said.  But what happened to the week?  Tomorrow is Friday and then Saturday and then Sunday and then we do it all over again. Do what all over again?  Work, School, Work and School, Church, Work and School, and so on.

Yup, that's life.  In the Salas Homeschool we decided to start a week earlier than the normal kids would. Well, my kids aren't normal, I know that.  I can say they are Special, but every parent thinks their children are special.  No, really mine are Special.  You see, Zachary takes 1 1/2 hours with Math, Emily takes 1 hour.  Zachary takes 1 hour writing a two sentence paragraph while Emily takes 20 minutes and writes a full page paragraph.

Different kids. Different Talents.  
That's why we Homeschool. Zachary is a Senior First Degree Black Belt and Emily loves to draw. David reminded me this morning on why we homeschool our children.  He says, "Now Jennifer, they are children, please give them a day off."  According to the schedule we had a full day's worth of lessons.  I was a bit tired I should say but I never let my feelings or emotions determine the way I act or the things I do.  I believe that we should press on no matter what.  Sometimes when I don't feel like doing something I do it anyways because I know the feelings will pass.

Kids are programmed to wake up and be directed in the way they should go. In traditional school the kids have Teachers, Principals, schedules and busy work to keep them occupied for 8 hours a day.  David and I have them 24 hours/7 days a week.  Our time works a bit differently but not that different.   You still have to keep their minds occupied, filled with all sorts of knowledge ready to  be absorbed.
They need Grammar, Math, Spelling, Geography, History, Reading, Phonics, Latin, Writing and Speech.

Sometimes my mind doesn't want all this knowledge, it just wants sleep. 
Sometimes I just want to have a day off. 
Sometimes I just want to sleep.  Oh, did I say that again.  Sleep. Oh, how precious!!!

So, I have to remember the Great God I serve and I am reminded by the verse in
  Philippians 4:13
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  Yup.  All things.  Not some.  Not this one, and not that one. ALL THINGS.  You too, my friend can do all things.  

So, did I let my kids have a day off?  Of course I did.  We only did Latin and reading.

In the Bible it says that we should direct our children in which way they should go.  It doesn't matter if you homeschool or not, all that matters is that you take the time to give them direction and guidance.  (I still have to remind the kids to brush their teeth every morning.) You would think by now, they would have the routine down, but no they need me to remind them every morning. 
 That's why they need us; To Direct, To Guide and let's not forget to give them lot's of Praise for all they do. Even the little things. 

So as school starts next week, I pray for the parents that have to send their children off to school.  I pray that they have a wonderful first day of school.

Zachary reading and relaxing. 

Let them rest when they get home from school and give them plenty of praise.  One nightly ritual we did over the summer was to read a 500 page book called The Mysterious Benedict Society.  There were times when I would get home from a 12 hour shift tired and cranky, but I always read to them.  We recently started the second book and we are in love with the series.  Find the time to read to your children.  Direct them to read.  I have my kiddos read for about an hour or more a day.
Yup, she's a Book Worm.

Below are the some of the books we read this summer and are currently still reading

  • The Mysterious Benedict Society (I have an extra copy if you would like for me to mail to you)
  • Because of Winn-Dixie
  • The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
  • Left Behind (series 1)
  • The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey (currently reading)
  • Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh (currently reading)
Pick up one of these books at your favorite book store and enjoy a good read with your little ones.  

Until Next Time, 
Eat Gluten-Free,
Eat Organic!!


Thursday, August 16, 2012

A Journal for Life

Scheduled Times for Reading
Scheduled Times for Running
Scheduled Times for Zach's Taekwondo
Scheduled Times for My Blog
Scheduled Times for Homeschooling
 (We start August 20)
Yadda, Yadda, Yadda!!!!

Schedules, Schedules and more schedules!!!!  Oh, I forgot to mention I have a scheduled time to Sew.  Don't get me wrong, schedules are very important.

#1 Reason to have a schedule is: 
 To Have Accountability.

#2 Reason to have a schedule is:  
To Have a Sense of Accomplishment.  

You see, if we didn't operate on schedules, nothing would get done.  Now some people don't operate on schedules.  They wake up and go with the flow.  Are you a wake up kind of Go with flow gal or guy?   Maybe I was that way when I was 14, but I don't remember every just waking up and doing nothing.  I get up, run, come home, have devotional time with my family, homeschool the kids and then follow what's on our schedule.  There are times when I wish I could just stay in bed, relax and do nothing.  Maybe a day or two, but my nature doesn't allow it.  Are you the same? Do you have a day of rest?  In the midst of schedules, work and family, what do you do to relax?  In the Bible it says that God created the world in 6 days.  Time is different for God.  A day could mean a thousand years.  But on the 7'th day, he rested.  Would God have rested for a thousand years?  We  might not know all the answers to these questions but I do know that in the midst of our busyness, we need to find time for Prayer, Thanksgiving and Praise to the Creator.  The other day during one of my runs, I praised God by putting my hands up in the air and thanking him for everything he has done in my life.  We can find time in everything we do to give him thanks, to acknowledge him; the Creator who gives us life.
My Numerous Journals.  

When I became a Christian some 14 + years ago, I would keep journals on everything I experienced in my walk with Christ. I would wake up, read my Bible and then write down memory verses and praises that I would sing to my Lord.  Before the kids were born I kept a journal and wrote down my experiences as I carried them in the womb.  Today, I still write.  I was born to write. We are all born to write.  All you need is a journal, a pen and some thoughts.  Yesterday I created a holder for my numerous notebooks I have.  One for Homeschooling. One for our Drawing class (we start September 5th, Yay!!!) and one for my Bible studies in the morning.  These notebooks help me schedule a time to just open up my Bible and write down verses I want to memorize, or that I might want to know more about.
 So, Do you keep a journal?  What do you write about?  Life experiences?  Fears?  Knowledge of God?  Homeschooling Journeys?  
I love the saying on this Journal.
It is a New Day and you will have many challenges, but Everything is for a Reason.

Right now we are reading our second book of the Mysterious Benedict Society, The Perilous Journey. 

Until Next Time, 
Eat Organic!
Eat Gluten-Free!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Not So Gluten-Free Today

Gluten-Free Enchiladas and Flour Tortillas
I should have taken a pic of the mess I made in the kitchen. Blender mess.  Enchilada sauce everywhere. I was trying to blend my Gluten-Free Flour with the sauce to make it a bit thicker.  
What a perfect combination, Gluten-Free Enchiladas
 and Not So Gluten-Free Tortillas.  
The very first thing my kids and lets not forget the hubby, asked me when I decided we would go Gluten-Free was, "But Mama, Are we going to still be able to eat your tortillas, they are sooo good." 
 Yes, indeed, they are amazing. Made from white, unbleached organic flour (wheat derivative) and organic canola oil and salt.  Easy. Right?  Well, No, I responded. Most white flours are made from wheat.  So, No.  Sorry.  Well, I could make Gluten-Free Tortillas.  Are you kidding me?  They taste like cardboard.  Today, in celebration of David's Birthday, we will have Gluten-Free Enchiladas and Not So Gluten-Free Tortillas!!!  And afterwards,  Taramisu!!!  Yummy!!  I burned 1,000 + calories today on my run, so I can splurge!!!

Enjoy Your Monday, 
Eat Organic!!! 
Eat Gluten-Free!!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Messes of Men

My Big Boy!!!

Wow!! To think we were just in downtown Austin with a group of crazy people and now I'm sitting her going over last night's events and praying for my son who has his second black belt testing this morning.

A week before testing, Zachary tells us that his testing is on Saturday (today) and that he needs to be there by 8am. What in the world?  Zach?  Kids are notorous for keeping us informed at the last minute.

So, Mewithoutyou is Friday (we planned the concert since May). A day before testing. In fact, its at night, which means we won't be back home until 12 midnight or later.  Okay, just pray, keep calm. It will all work out.
6am.  Alarm sounds, go get Zachary from grandmas. David's up ironing his uniform and I head on over to Starbucks for our usual Java Chip Frappacino before testing.  Zach doesn't eat before testing, so I fill him up with caffeine and sugar.  I'm so smart!!!  Lol!!!!!

Zach and his pre-tesing Starbucks drink!
He comes in from talking to his dad and asks me what happened at the concert.  David chimes in and says, "Your Mama saved a Life."  What?  I saved a life. I'm not Jesus.  Surely, he's mistaken.  Souls I like to save, to bring them closer to a relationship with God, but I am no miracle healer. Ha!!!

So, let me tell you what he was referring to.  In May we made a trip down to San Antonio to see Mewithoutyou.  They were starting their tour and we were so excited to see this new found love of ours.  Music has always been a part of our lives.  David played in a band for many years.  I also remember Zachary in his white underwear, singing and dancing to Toby Mac when he was 3 years old.  DJ and Zach would rap along David's techno music.  Emily now raps, as she has formed her own band called the "Killer Lizard."  Along with her siblings and yes, David of course, they come up with rap songs.  Pretty funny. Pretty cute.  A creative genuis, she came up with this little rap/rythme, (okay at this time, she's getting her journal where she writes all these down) "Circles and Squares", "Octagons and triangles sitting in a tree, circles and squares laughing at me.

I told David at the concert that if all else fails, she can be a homeschool rapper.  You know a kid that raps about their homeschooling journey growing up. 

Back to my story.  Waiting. Waiting.  You wait to get in the venue. You wait in line to get a shirt. You wait again for the opening band (Bury Beds, You rock!!) and then you wait some more to see the main band which doesn't come on until 10pm or later.  As we were waiting for the band to start, I was looking around, seeing all these young faces.  In front of me stood a young girl with her boyfriend.  Young college kids I suppose.  Later on a guy came and rushed over to embrace her boyfriend.  Embrace I say because they hugged so long that it was so akward to see.  I had to remember that this was a 13 and up concert, but then again, I had a 15 year old with me.  They probably embraced for about 5 minutes or more, not wanting to let go.  Ha!! Like I know the exact time.  No, I didn't time it!! Ha!! Later after this long embrace, his girlfriend and him started to make out.  Really?  As I mentioned before on my FaceBook status, "Gay or not no one should be making out at a Chickfila."  At that time I was referring to the "Kiss Day" at Chickfila.  Seeing this embrace at the concert made me very uncomfortable and I could only imagine how the people (families) eating there, seeing gays and lesbians kiss each other.  These people were trying to prove a point, so I can only imagine how rated R it got.  The couple who were constantly kissing each other made me feel that I was in a rated R movie.  I looked around at other couples and saw that they were either holding hands or just cuddling next to each other.  What in the world?  There was one couple who sat a the front to the stage. The girl toppled over and almost fell to the floor.  She was flushed, sweating profusely with her eyes shut.  Her boyfriend tried to hold her up, I came and helped him, seeing no one else was helping.  We ended up lowering her to the floor where I  told them to call "911."  She was becoming more alert.  As a nurse, I was so concerned.  Did she take any drugs?  Is she diabetic?  Does she have any heart problems?  I asked her all these same questions that were forming in my head.  She responded with a No. No. And No.  I asked if she ate.  Nope.  Just lettuce.  Lettuce?  It was 100 degrees in the venue and no food plus not enought water equals disaster.  Find out after talking to her, she hadn't eaten in 5 days.  I layed my hands over her and prayed for her. She started crying saying she didn't have money to go the hospital.  I told her that her safety was more important and that she probably needed to be evaluated.  Within 2 minutes EMS was there.  I spoke to the transport tech and assisted her to the EMS vehicle, said a prayer and walked back into the concert.  David was with me the whole time.  Poor girl.  Later on I found out by DJ that he saw her in the concert crowd.  This was 3 or more hours after the incident.  Hopefully they were able to get her some IV fluids.

That's what David meant when he said that I saved a life.

Me and Eliza
Bury Beds
So, let's go back to the couple that was kissing and showing way to much affection at the concert.  When Bury Beds came on, I was so excited.  I love the girl who sings in the band.  She's awesome!!! A heavenly voice I should say.  I was able to get a pic of the two of us.  Isn't she cute?  Adorable.  I look big compared to her. Lol!!!

I excused myself and nudged myself in front of the kissing couple. I came to see my favorite bands, not some rated R show.  The guy became very angry. I tried to ignore it.  His girlfriend didn't.  As we continued throughout the concert, they were screaming at each other, he slapped her, she spilled beer over the people in front of her.  She continued this behavior for about an hour or so.  When Mewithoutyou was about to come on I had to say something.  And indeed I did.  I apologized to the guy for taking his spot, I told him that I came to see a concert and not his girlfriend and him making out.  He told me they were fighting and that they had just made up.  Okay. Fair enough.  Let me continue to enjoy the show.  The final blow came when he slapped her and they started again to scream at each other.  Okay.  Now, I have to say something.  You could clearly see that so many people were also annoyed.  I told them to stop.  I said, " Would you please stop. I came here to see a concert, I paid money to see and I want to enjoy the show.  You spilled beer on the girl in front of you, your making out when I have a 15 year old son I brought to the concert. I want to see the show." (Did I forget to mention she was elbowing me the whole time, spilling her beer all over the floor.  We love the bands, David and I don't drink but these bands are starting off and it's wherever they can play to get people to listen) Right away she called me the B-word and was about to punch me in the face when David stepped in.  Okay, the boyfriend told David, we can handle this.  Minutes later she pushed me out of the way, dragging her boyfriend along and called me another profanity.  They left!! Yay!!!  The girl in front of me gave me a high five.  I didn't want that.  I just wanted to enjoy the concert.  You could see that the people who were around this couple were so much more relaxed and able to enjoy the show.  Me too!!!  I felt bad about their leaving afterwards, David told me not to say anything, but I needed to.  I don't confront people in a rude or demeaning matter, I stayed calm and voiced my concern. 

David thanked me this morning for saying something.  

I named this blog, Messes of Men.  A Mewithoutyou song.  It fits perfectly.  You see in San Antonio we had such a great time. Different people. Different environment.  Austin is different. David reminded me of that this morning.  It's liberal. It's free.  And free where lost souls are roaming around trying to find some purpose in their lives.  Their young. They feel they have the whole world to do whatever they want to with it.  They sometimes forget the Creator in all of this.  He is up there looking down on us, some he looks at, smiles and says, "Good and faithful servant." Others, he says with a tear, "How long O'Daughter/Son must I cry for your salvation?"  The Lord loves us all.  Sinners.  Liberals. Poor. Rich.  

I looked up the lyrics to the song, "Messes of Men."  He sings, "I do not exist, but faithfully insist, While watching sink the heavy ship with everything we knew!  And if ever you come near, I'll hold up high a mirror Lord, I could never show you anything as beautiful as you.

So, In this journey we are on, we can either run the race or walk to get there.  Either way, we all are different (God made us each special and unique) but we need to continue the journey without the influences of this world.  Our purpose and  existence needs to be united with the true Creator. We all need to find this wonderful, beautiful person who wipes away our sins and makes us new again.  After 15 years knowing the Lord, I too need to be renewed and forgiven.  I search daily for him and find him where he has always been, waiting for me like he was that time when I had no purpose in my life.  A wanderer. A lost soul.  Crying to him in my desperate pleas.
My favorite verse: 
I waited patiently for the Lord, he turned to me and heard my cry; he lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire.  He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.  
Psalm 40:1-2
I wondered if any of the concert goers there really knew the true meaning of the band's lyrics. I mean you can sing the lyrics, but to have a deep understanding of them.  (Sort of like reading the Bible and not letting it sink in the heart of man)

I'll leave you with another lyric,  "We keep our confessions long, but when we pray we keep it short."
Aaron, the lead vocalist of Mewithoutyou

David warned me about a mosh pit about to start.  It did.  David lost his eyeglasses in the process. DJ was involved in it.  He had so much fun. We all did!!!

Thank you, Mewithoutyou for creating crazy music that makes me run, laugh and enjoy life.  
Kinda hard to do with regular "Christian Music."  I use the phrase, "Devil, disappear!"
Taken from, "Still there's a whisper in my ear.  The voice of loneliness and fear.
And I say, "Devil disappear!

Till next time,

Eat Organic!!!