Thursday, August 23, 2012

Today is what day of the week?

It's Thursday. Isn't it? Oh, my!!! How the days fly by.  It feels like a Monday.  At least that's what the kids said.  But what happened to the week?  Tomorrow is Friday and then Saturday and then Sunday and then we do it all over again. Do what all over again?  Work, School, Work and School, Church, Work and School, and so on.

Yup, that's life.  In the Salas Homeschool we decided to start a week earlier than the normal kids would. Well, my kids aren't normal, I know that.  I can say they are Special, but every parent thinks their children are special.  No, really mine are Special.  You see, Zachary takes 1 1/2 hours with Math, Emily takes 1 hour.  Zachary takes 1 hour writing a two sentence paragraph while Emily takes 20 minutes and writes a full page paragraph.

Different kids. Different Talents.  
That's why we Homeschool. Zachary is a Senior First Degree Black Belt and Emily loves to draw. David reminded me this morning on why we homeschool our children.  He says, "Now Jennifer, they are children, please give them a day off."  According to the schedule we had a full day's worth of lessons.  I was a bit tired I should say but I never let my feelings or emotions determine the way I act or the things I do.  I believe that we should press on no matter what.  Sometimes when I don't feel like doing something I do it anyways because I know the feelings will pass.

Kids are programmed to wake up and be directed in the way they should go. In traditional school the kids have Teachers, Principals, schedules and busy work to keep them occupied for 8 hours a day.  David and I have them 24 hours/7 days a week.  Our time works a bit differently but not that different.   You still have to keep their minds occupied, filled with all sorts of knowledge ready to  be absorbed.
They need Grammar, Math, Spelling, Geography, History, Reading, Phonics, Latin, Writing and Speech.

Sometimes my mind doesn't want all this knowledge, it just wants sleep. 
Sometimes I just want to have a day off. 
Sometimes I just want to sleep.  Oh, did I say that again.  Sleep. Oh, how precious!!!

So, I have to remember the Great God I serve and I am reminded by the verse in
  Philippians 4:13
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  Yup.  All things.  Not some.  Not this one, and not that one. ALL THINGS.  You too, my friend can do all things.  

So, did I let my kids have a day off?  Of course I did.  We only did Latin and reading.

In the Bible it says that we should direct our children in which way they should go.  It doesn't matter if you homeschool or not, all that matters is that you take the time to give them direction and guidance.  (I still have to remind the kids to brush their teeth every morning.) You would think by now, they would have the routine down, but no they need me to remind them every morning. 
 That's why they need us; To Direct, To Guide and let's not forget to give them lot's of Praise for all they do. Even the little things. 

So as school starts next week, I pray for the parents that have to send their children off to school.  I pray that they have a wonderful first day of school.

Zachary reading and relaxing. 

Let them rest when they get home from school and give them plenty of praise.  One nightly ritual we did over the summer was to read a 500 page book called The Mysterious Benedict Society.  There were times when I would get home from a 12 hour shift tired and cranky, but I always read to them.  We recently started the second book and we are in love with the series.  Find the time to read to your children.  Direct them to read.  I have my kiddos read for about an hour or more a day.
Yup, she's a Book Worm.

Below are the some of the books we read this summer and are currently still reading

  • The Mysterious Benedict Society (I have an extra copy if you would like for me to mail to you)
  • Because of Winn-Dixie
  • The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
  • Left Behind (series 1)
  • The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey (currently reading)
  • Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh (currently reading)
Pick up one of these books at your favorite book store and enjoy a good read with your little ones.  

Until Next Time, 
Eat Gluten-Free,
Eat Organic!!


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