Saturday, February 25, 2017

Do not give the Devil a foothold

Don't give up.  Run a little faster.  No, maybe today you are a little slow and all you want to do is to take it easy.  Loosen up, just keep going, no one is watching.  The pace is slow but you are going somewhere. In time you will get to your destination. 
(My self talk while I'm running)

Sometimes the happiness is there. I wake up and I feel like I want to scream at the world to tell it every good thing I will be doing today. Other days I feel like the world is too big and that I don't matter. Each day  is presented to all of us and you can decide to make it a good day or give the devil a foothold and make not only yourself miserable, but those around you as well.

Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. 26“In your anger do not sin” : Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27and do not give the devil a foothold. 
Ephesians 4:25-27

I remember the days of just crying. I hated my body. I hated the fact that I wasn't the same person I was before. I wanted to get back to work, back to running, back to life.  I wanted things to be the way they were.
Oh, poor Jennifer! (Sarcastic laugh) Those after baby hormones were in full effect!

After many months I learned to forgive myself through a series of Bible Studies.A year of therapy also helped me to see that my struggles don't define me. I didn't need to read another Brene' Brown book to show me that I am resilient.  I saw a therapist that pointed out that  I was resourceful, talented at sewing and a compassionate caretaker. 
Whew, overwhelming, I know.

We all have qualities that make us unique. We tend to forget to see them.  We aren't on the outside looking into our lives. We are living in it. Enduring all the insecurities that we have.
It took someone else to show me that I am stronger than what I think I am.
Begin today by having someone close to you tell you,either a spouse, friend or therapist,  what special qualities attracted them to you.  It's hard, I know. We don't say good or nice things about ourselves.  Maybe the world needs a little bit more narcissistic people.

Whatever struggles you have today, let them go.  Just rest in the assurance that you have a creator who doesn't give up on us.  He is in the business of healing us. He comforted me in a time where I saw nothing but darkness. In time, Jesus revealed the light in my life and it's been burning ever since.  It's a light that helps me walk in darkness. It took time my friend. It took time meeting up with friends, seeing a therapist, exercising and taking care of myself that helped heal me.
And believe me, we all heal from whatever life tends to drop into our journey.
Postpartum depression didn't kill me. It made me a BadAss. (And no, I haven't read the book You Are a Badass).

Until Next Time, 

Eat Organic, 

Eat Gluten-free, 

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