There is no cure for depression. But you sure as hell can fight it.
If you've been diagnosed with clinical depression, you will be offered an antidepressant. There are many choices: Zoloft, Paxil, Cymbalta, Wellbutrin, Lexapro and many more that I chose not to list. If you decide to take anyone of these, please be aware of the side effects and the long term effects of these medications. I am not against antidepressants. They can be life saving for some people who are severely depressed. I suffer from major depressive disorder/postpartum depression. You can suffer from mild depression, but if the depression lasts more than 2 years it is considered major depressive disorder.
If you are suicidal with thoughts of harming yourself and you have a plan, please seek medical attention. Call 911, call the Austin Crisis Center. There are several. Let me list them for you.
- Austin Integral Crisis Hotline: 512-472-HELP (4357) Toll free 1-844-398-8252
- Location: 56 East Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701 You can go directly to this building and get seen by a mental health professional. Hours are Monday-Friday 8am-10pm and Saturday and Sunday 10am-8pm
- BlueBonnet Trails Community 24 hour crisis hotline 1-800-841-1255
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255 There is an option for an online chat at
There is someone that is always willing to listen. Sometimes we think we may be alone. Our brain tricks us into thinking that we are better off dead, but those are lies. There are days when the darkness may seem unbearable. Try to look at the good things in your life. I know when I look at my family, my kids, my husband, those feelings of being a failure disappear. Your family loves you and needs you.
Depression. What is it and why do I suffer from it? I've asked this question to myself many years ago when the tiredness came and never went away. It stayed for weeks at a time. I did everything I could to make it disappear. I ate healthy. I ran. I even changed my eating habits and went gluten free. I juiced. I went vegan for a short time. I tried just about everything.
I prayed everyday that God would take it away from me. Later on I read that Paul, an apostle of the Lord Jesus suffered depression. Paul who had his share of sufferings and anguish, was still found rejoicing. His hope was in the Lord Jesus. If Paul who was a servant of the Lord didn't get healed from his depression, then why would he heal me? I realize that in this world we will have many tribulations and suffering, but that our Hope is in the Lord Jesus.
So, what about religion? What does that have to do with depression?
Religion is what saved me. Religion is what continues to save me. Having a connection with God makes me have hope in something. Having a support system of church members can be beneficial when you are having those bad days. Going to church, listening to the music is uplifting. Prayer and reading the Bible everyday has helped me see that I'm not alone in my suffering. As I mentioned above, Paul suffered many mental health issues and there are many more recordings of suffering in the Bible. Another example is Job. has individual or group online bible studies. May 1st will be the beginning of a series of 4-6 weeks on the study of Ruth.
So I've also talked extensively on how running has helped me. I'm also going to list a few supplements as well.
One of the supplements I take is because I have a Mthfr gene mutation that was detected before the birth of my 4th child Hazel. There is an estimated 30-50% of the human population that has this genetic deficiency and doesn't even know it. The fetal maternal specialist that was caring for me during my pregnancy tested me for this because of the difficult pregnancies I had with Zach and Emily. I also was found to have a blood clotting disorder as well.
You can read more about it here. It's too much information to blog about. If you suspect you have it, ask your doctor to test you.
Gluten-Free Diet
A gluten-free diet is a diet that excluded the protein gluten. Gluten is found in grains such as wheat, barley, rye and a cross between wheat and rye called triticale.
A gluten-free diet isn't for everyone. It is used primarily to treat celiac disease. Gluten causes inflammation in the small intestines of people with this disease.
I do not have celiac disease. My primary reason for this diet is to help reduce the inflammation in my body that comes from my Mthfr gene mutation that makes it difficult for my body to detoxify. There are many benefits such that I have experienced, reduction in headaches, bloating and reducing my fatigue. My children also benefit from this diet as well. Emily suffers from eczema and it has greatly reduced the number of breakouts she has had over the last 9 years.
Be aware that starting a gluten-free diet, that you may lack some minerals and vitamins that come from gluten. Start off by eliminating one item and then see if it has any benefits to your health. I mentioned my gluten-free diet to a nurse who was suffering from migraine headaches. A week later, after eliminating bread (she was a big bread eater), her migraine headaches disappeared.
Yes, I said it. REST. There will be days when you don't want to get up and the fatigue starts to creep in. Give yourself a day of rest. We are not robots. We need a day off.
Sewing has been my passion. Find something that interests you. Take a class. I offer free sewing classes at the Leander Public Library. Come join me!
Friends/Support System
It's better with two. Invite a friend out for lunch. What about a play date with your kiddos? I know it can be difficult when you suffer from anxiety as well. Friends help each other. Friends make the world a better place.
What? I'm not crazy!!! Who needs a therapist? I don't need someone to talk to, I have my kids, my husband. I have God.
Yup, this was me. I completed a year of therapy and it saved my life. Talking to someone that doesn't see you but only once a week helps you to open up about any stressors you might be having. I talk to David ( my husband) all the time. But when I opened up to my therapist it was different, she had a different perspective and she was able to help navigate me through the difficult times in my life.
So, there you go!! Go out there and make a difference in this world. Most of the people that I have encountered that suffer from depression are so awesome that you wouldn't even know that they suffer from it unless they open up and tell you. Let us support each other. Mental health has such a bad stigma that if you say you are depressed you are considered weak. I am not a weak person. I am the strongest person you will ever meet. Don't look down on others who suffer. And when someone is going through a hard day/moment, pray for them. Offer your time and have lunch with them.
With God's Love Always,
Eat Organic,
Eat Gluten-Free,
![]() |
Only take this if you have the MtHF gene mutation |
I take the Junior version because of the taste. They are available in lemon and berry. |

Gluten-Free Diet
A gluten-free diet is a diet that excluded the protein gluten. Gluten is found in grains such as wheat, barley, rye and a cross between wheat and rye called triticale.
A gluten-free diet isn't for everyone. It is used primarily to treat celiac disease. Gluten causes inflammation in the small intestines of people with this disease.
I do not have celiac disease. My primary reason for this diet is to help reduce the inflammation in my body that comes from my Mthfr gene mutation that makes it difficult for my body to detoxify. There are many benefits such that I have experienced, reduction in headaches, bloating and reducing my fatigue. My children also benefit from this diet as well. Emily suffers from eczema and it has greatly reduced the number of breakouts she has had over the last 9 years.
Be aware that starting a gluten-free diet, that you may lack some minerals and vitamins that come from gluten. Start off by eliminating one item and then see if it has any benefits to your health. I mentioned my gluten-free diet to a nurse who was suffering from migraine headaches. A week later, after eliminating bread (she was a big bread eater), her migraine headaches disappeared.
Yes, I said it. REST. There will be days when you don't want to get up and the fatigue starts to creep in. Give yourself a day of rest. We are not robots. We need a day off.
Sewing has been my passion. Find something that interests you. Take a class. I offer free sewing classes at the Leander Public Library. Come join me!
Friends/Support System
It's better with two. Invite a friend out for lunch. What about a play date with your kiddos? I know it can be difficult when you suffer from anxiety as well. Friends help each other. Friends make the world a better place.
What? I'm not crazy!!! Who needs a therapist? I don't need someone to talk to, I have my kids, my husband. I have God.
Yup, this was me. I completed a year of therapy and it saved my life. Talking to someone that doesn't see you but only once a week helps you to open up about any stressors you might be having. I talk to David ( my husband) all the time. But when I opened up to my therapist it was different, she had a different perspective and she was able to help navigate me through the difficult times in my life.
So, there you go!! Go out there and make a difference in this world. Most of the people that I have encountered that suffer from depression are so awesome that you wouldn't even know that they suffer from it unless they open up and tell you. Let us support each other. Mental health has such a bad stigma that if you say you are depressed you are considered weak. I am not a weak person. I am the strongest person you will ever meet. Don't look down on others who suffer. And when someone is going through a hard day/moment, pray for them. Offer your time and have lunch with them.
One of my favorite songs about depression.
Eat Organic,
Eat Gluten-Free,
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