Sunday, February 10, 2013

Moving Forward

Curious I was as I came upon the loop around the lake at Brushy Creek and saw a huge contraption that caught my eye.  It was round, bubbly and looked as if it was some neat Science experiment.  All I could see were a couple of kids surrounded by it and an adult ready to give whoever was waiting next in line, a ride in this neat eye catching bubble.  In my mind I was thinking about how I could approach this group and ask if I could bring my kids back to join in on the fun.

To my disappointment it was a Games 2 U party going on in the park and after research that big Science experiment is actually called a Hamster Ball.  

What in the World?  


What if I could get inside that Hamster Ball and just roll, roll and roll and have so much fun that I forget about life and the worries of the world?  Kids can do it, so why can't I?  I can be 8 again or maybe even 10 or 11 and just live life trusting that my parents will take care of everything.  What if everyday I woke up and just trusted that I would get fed and that maybe one morning my parents would surprise me with a trip to IHOP?  What if I just woke up every morning with a smile on my face and thanked God that I'm alive? What if I just trusted God to feed not only myself but also my family and that we would be clothed not in expensive clothes, but clothed in Love?  What if I just trusted God with my health and that of my husband's?  And instead of hoping and praying that my job situation would get better, what if I just prayed that I would be a blessing to others instead of wanting all the blessings?
Those what if's can be turned into, Yes God, I trust you in every situation of my life. 

Yes see God cares and  in every situation that we're in, God just wants us


We can have that childlike faith that requires us to just trust in God.  So, Yes, we can be obedient and trusting in God just like our children trust us everyday that we are going to take care of them.

 Look at the birds. They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren't you far more valuable to him than they are? Matthew 6:26

I'll be 34 years old this year, maybe it's not too late to rent a Hamster Ball for my Birthday.  

Until Next Time,
Eat Organic,
Eat Gluten-Free,

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