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Emily at the Doctors Office |
We even learned about scarlet fever, a streptococcal bacteria, that was mentioned in the Velveteen Rabbit book. The boy in the story became ill and was infected with this fatal bacteria. It made me think about what the kids were going through. Over the years, children have been plagued with scarlet fever, strep throat, chickenpox, measles and the mumps. And the list goes on. We are on day 7 dealing with the flu, but we are blessed to live in a time where Polio no longer exists and we don't have scarlet fever. But, there will be a time that these once eradicated viral disease will make it's way back into the United States.
As a Nurse, I tell my patients that the single most important protection against these Germs, Viruses and Bacteria is HANDWASHING.
You don't have to be a medical professional to treat a sick child/adult. I've listed a couple of tips/advice to help you just in case your child get sicks or comes down with the flu virus
The flu shot can provide some protection against some of the strains of flu. Getting the flu shot doesn't guarantee that you won't get the flu. If you are allergic to eggs then you should not receive the flu vaccination.
The most common is Type A. There are 3 types, A, B and C. Type C causes mild respiratory illness.
Flu symptoms include, headache, body aches, fever, tiredness, sore throat and runny nose.
Symptoms may resemble those of a common cold but they are much worse than cold. Children can have high fevers and difficulty breathing. A fever is the body's way of recognizing that there is an invader and it is trying it's hardest to overcome this invader.
There is a 24-48 hour window which can determine if can take a medication called Tamiflu to help alleviate the symptoms. There is no cure for the flu. It is a virus. But, BEWARE, it can cause complications and even death.
- Go see your doctor right away. Adults and children younger than three months old should see a doctor if they have a fever and a cough.
- If the doctor prescribes medication, take all of it until it is finished.
- Drink plenty of fluids. Gatorade. Water. Small sips. I had my kids use a straw. Buy the small Gatorade containers that way you can just throw them away after they are finished. Do not share drinks, that is how the virus is spread.
- Hot tea with honey and lemon.
- Chicken noodle soup.
- Medication to help loosen up the secretions and help with congestion. Examples include Mucinex or Deylsum.
- Use Face Masks and Gloves. The Flu virus is spread through droplets, example coughing/sneezing. Gloves help with cleaning up vomit and diarrhea associated with the flu.
- Chest Percussion: This technique was very helpful when Zachary was unable to bring up his secretions. These secretions can sit in the lungs and cause pneumonia. (You can google Chest Percussion and find several videos online to help you do this very effective technique)
Have your child sit hugging a pillow. Use the above hand position. In a consistent, vigorous rhythm, clap the back.
Do this to the upper lobes and the lower lobes to help loosen mucus and secretions.
Give your child lots of praise. Prayers always help and avoid kissing and hugging your child. You need to be well to take care of your sick child. And don't become weary, it can be overwhelming especially if you have more than one child sick. God is with you. Always.
We hope to get well soon,
Until Next Time,
Stay Healthy!!!!
And Wash, Wash, Wash your Hands!!!!