Did I forget to mention to you that last week was a hard week for me? I'm sure I mentioned it somewhere in my posts, especially on Facebook or Daily Mile. Did I mention to you for the hundredth time that I had a busy, long, stressful week?
Well, let me tell you once more, I had a busy week last week were I worked over 65 hours. No big deal you might say. Every once in a while we have to put in our own share of hard work and last week was mine. My gift to society. My gift to my patients who had me for 5 days.
So, as you all know in the wonderful world of nursing, we have the option to torture our bodies by working 12 hour shifts, 3 to 4 days a week. I opted for 2 of those shifts once a week since the last 4 years of my nursing career I spent in Rehab taking a beating to my body and enduring long shifts that turned more into 14 hours instead of 12. In order to keep my house in order and my kids educated, I decided to work only 2 days a week. This has worked wonders for my family. Hubby is happy. Kids have more of me. More time to educate. More time to sew.
Fridays and Saturdays are my work days.
My wonderful friend Melinda. See, when I work with her I'm Happy!!!! |
Lessons for the kids Sunday afternoon till Thursday, with Friday also being a school day with Daddy and Saturday being a Relaxation Day for reading.
As for the last 6 months, I get up at 5am, get dressed (so easy with scrubs), put on my makeup, twist my hair into a bun, stick a chopstick in and head out the door. I then make my daily stop to Starbucks and downtown I go. The day was Friday, I remember it clearly because instead of getting up at 5am, I got up at 4am and headed out to Wal-Mart (the only place open) and bought groceries for the kiddos. Milk, eggs, creamer, cereal, the basics. This day I needed my coffee ASAP, so after dropping off the groceries I headed to Starbucks. By this time it was already 6am and I was in the drive-thru when I got the call that I was cancelled. Yay!!! But, No, I'm ready to work. Let me think straight, "Okay, you don't need me today?" No was the answer and I soon found myself relieved. Saturday was not much different except the grocery shopping part. If I had to do that every single day before work, I'd be a Zombie. Actually, I think my patients would hate me because I would be very cranky. This time they didn't call me. I drove all the way downtown only to be cancelled again. That was day #2.
Well, that's life!!! I took it as a much deserved break. Well, not for long. I worked Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, taught an Art class on Wednesday, home schooled the kids on Thursday and worked again Friday and Saturday and squeezed in a measly 6 miles of running. Can you believe I had the audacity to set my alarm clock at 4am to run before work? I don't know what I was thinking. I think maybe by that day I was a bit delirious. Ha!!!!
My beloved friend, Nurse Yoli I miss your jokes, Your Smile. You made your patients happy. You are so dearly missed. |
So for 5 days I had the same wonderful patients. They made my week go by so fast.
They weren't cranky, bossy, narcotic happy or demanding. And the best part was working with friends that helped me get through the day. Cathy, my friend got me hooked on Starbucks latte drinks. Talk about an energy boost at 5pm. I so needed it.
The Lord told me it would be a busy week and I think I ignored his prompting. I wasn't prepared. But, I got through it with His help. You see, we all might have busy, stressful days, maybe even a week like I did (maybe even busier or more stressful than mine) but the
Lord promises to never leave our side. When we love the Lord with all our Hearts, Souls and Minds we find peace in His presence, His word and His plan.
In my moments of silent prayers during my busy week, (even though I had sneak into the bathroom for peace, to look up my Bible verses on my IPhone, I still felt comforted). I found that the Lord has given me a great task to care for others. Sometimes it might seem like a burden. Sometimes it feels like a chore. And sometimes we just want to give up and go on to the next "Fun" task in our lives (mine is running on Sunday. Could you have guessed? Ha!!!)
The Lord reminds me that the day I have in front of me is a day to give it (all) my best. He tells me to give 100% even when I'm tired. Even when I'm Hungry. Even when I haven't had a chance to get to my busy paperwork.
He tells me to be content in every situation.
He tells me that He will get me through.
I was reminded of a verse in
2 Corinthians 12:10
"That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
"If I must boast, I will boast in the things that show my weaknesses."
2 Corinthians 11:30
On a more personal note, my friend Yoli (pictured above with me) was going through something in her life. I knew her from work, we worked together for about a year. We were considered twins. Every time she was off I would get called "Yoli" all the time. I told people I didn't mind because she was so nice. Always smiling, she always made her patients feel so loved. She was a joy!!! She would decorate the nurses station at work for every holiday. She was an animal lover and volunteered for Hurricane Katrina. For some reason she was found dead alongside with her husband in their home. It was a big shock. They considered it a murder/suicide. We'll never know what happened that day. I miss her. So, after she died, I promised the Lord that I would shine his Love to others more. That I wouldn't be ashamed to tell them that Jesus Loves them. He does!!! I would show others that there is Hope. Even with all the stress we endure, we can find rest in Him.
In Him alone.
He loves us.